Current focus

As you're reading this I'm likely to be in the process of completing the following.

Hitchhiking around the world

On October 2nd 2022, I am starting a hitchhiking trip with the aim to travel around the world relying on locals for transportation and accommodation. During this trip, I will make video interviews of various people from widely different backgrounds and cultures. Through these encounters, I aim to conduct field research on altruism, its motivations and blockers, and how we can leverage it to lift each others up on a large scale. Finally, I will publish blog articles on that subject to share experiments, analysis and thought on that topic.

Things you can do

If you want to reach out to me, just drop me an email at

Or you can play Flappy Sixte, a game I made when I was in high school.

If you are still here, take some time to visit the website I made for my mum's paintings.

Sixte de Maupeou